Stop the nonsense, you didn't win the elections, it's only us who guaranteed your re-election: DA reminds Ramaphosa


The political landscape in South Africa is more dramatic than a telenovela, and this week, the drama has reached fever pitch with the ANC's proposed Government of National Unity (GNU) teetering on the brink of collapse. It's a power struggle that's got everyone talking, and trust me, the gossip is hotter than a Durban July race day!

President Cyril Ramaphosa, who's been trying to maintain a cool facade amidst the chaos, is facing a very real threat to his leadership. It all boils down to the DA, the party that's been holding the ANC hostage with its demands.

The whispers in the corridors of power suggest that the DA, emboldened by its newfound influence, is playing hardball. Political analyst Prof. Sipho Seepe, who's known for his sharp insights, believes the DA is calling the shots. "The DA has become emboldened after being invited by the ANC to form the government of national unity, and the ANC will play second fiddle if the envisaged GNU is formed to lead the seventh administration of South Africa," he says.

Adding fuel to the fire is a letter penned by former DA leader and GNU negotiator Tony Leon, a man who's not afraid to speak his mind. In his letter, Leon, in a move that's been interpreted as a veiled threat, echoes journalist Peter Bruce's statement that "the DA was the sole guarantor of Ramaphosa's election as president."

Seepe sees Leon's letter as a power play, a reminder to Ramaphosa of the real power dynamics.

"Leon is saying stop the nonsense, you guys did not win the election. He is saying to the ANC, we have agreed that we will support if you give us positions (in Cabinet) so stick to that," Seepe explains.

The ANC's national executive committee (NEC) is expected to meet this weekend to try and salvage the situation. The talks have hit a snag, with the DA pushing for key cabinet positions, leaving Ramaphosa in a tight spot.

"At this stage, the NEC of the ANC must lead because Ramaphosa is a highly compromised individual. The ANC must be honest with us, in saying these are the things it has promised the DA. The ANC must not pretend that it has not sold its soul," Seepe asserts.

The analyst goes on to say that Ramaphosa's attempts to downplay the situation are disingenuous.

"Ramaphosa is being pretentious in his letter. The DA is very clear about what it stands for. It stands as a party that will protect white interests and white privilege. Ramaphosa went into that deal understanding that. In his mind, these are the people who can protect him from many other challenges," Seepe says.

He argues that Ramaphosa's decision to align with the DA over other potential partners like the EFF and the uMkhonto weSizwe party led by former president Jacob Zuma, reveals a deeper strategy.

"But he preferred to work with white people than to work with black people. The way the DA is behaving, it is something that Ramaphosa has created, so there is no sympathy for his annoyance. He chose his partners. Remember Helen Zille once said she looks forward in her lifetime, that the ANC would be dead," Seepe says.

The analyst pulls no punches in his assessment of the situation.

"So you go to bed with people who wish that the ANC ceases to exist? What do you expect? The GNU is not going to be workable. The DA is going to lead the GNU. We must not beat about the bushes. The guys in the DA are bringing the muscle of white capital. Ramaphosa’s presidency has been sponsored by the same white capital. We must not beat around the bush about it. If they want to remove him, they can. Ramaphosa cannot bite the hand that feeds him," Seepe concludes.

This power play between the ANC and the DA is a stark reminder of the political realities in South Africa. The ANC, once the undisputed leader, is now facing a future where it may be forced to play second fiddle to its former rival. This is a story that's far from over, and Celeb Gossip News will be keeping a close eye on the unfolding drama.

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