I can no longer carry pregnancy because of you: Maid tells Pitso "Jingles" Mosimane, demands R5.7 million in damages


A dramatic legal battle is brewing in the Johannesburg High Court and former Bafana Bafana coach Pitso "Jingles" Mosimane alongside his wife Moira Tlhagale are fighting against their former domestic worker, Dorothy Sikirivao.

The helper is seeking a staggering R5.7 million in damages as she is claiming that she suffered some career-ending injuries that include her inability to fall pregnant naturally and carry the pregnancy to full term after badly falling at the couple's Johannesburg home.

According to court documents, Sikirivao alleges that on 26 April 26 2021, she was instructed by Mosimane and Tlhagale to remove debris from their residence. While doing so, the maid reportedly slipped and fell down then sustained a litany of injuries including a cracked skull, blood clots in the brain, a dislocated shoulder, multiple back fractures, pressure on her spinal cord, a dislocated hip and a dislocated leg.

According to Sikirivao, the impact of these injuries has been devastating to her and she alleges that she was placed on sick leave from 26 April to 22 May in 2021 as she got badly injured. She further says that upon returning to work she was unable to perform her duties effectively as was the case before. Furthermore, she claims that Mosimane and Tlhagale pressured her to continue working in physically demanding conditions including driving despite medical advice that opposed such activities.

Sikirivao further claims that a medical practitioner has informed her that as a result of the accident, she may never be able to carry a pregnancy to term. This has left her with surrogacy only as her option to fulfil her desire of having her biological children and this is stressing her big time.

Mosimane and Tlhagale are vehemently denying Sikirivao's story. In their responding affidavit, the couple has dismissed the incident as alleged. They have also denied that Sikirivao sustained any injuries. The couple also allege that they never instructed her to remove any debris. Mosimane and his wife also deny owning the property where the alleged accident reportedly occurred and they have challenged Sikirivao to provide evidence to support her claims.

The couple also disputes that they were Sikirivao's employers. According to Mosimane, it was his wife only who was the maid's boss. They claim that Sikirivao indeed told them about her slip and fall but she only mentioned minor injuries at the time. They also maintain that they paid for her medical treatment as a gesture of goodwill but that did not amount to admitting any liability.

Mosimane and Tlhagale argue that even if the court finds them negligent, their negligence did not cause or contribute to the alleged incident or injuries. They claim that Sikirivao was partially responsible for the accident as she failed to keep a proper lookout and take cognisance of her surroundings.

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