A new wedding and a new house for pregnant celebrity sangoma Gogo Maweni and Sabelo Mgube as they tie the knot


Reality TV star, sangoma and businesswoman Lee-Ann Makopo, better known as Gogo Maweni, and her husband Sabelo Mgube are on a winning streak.

After announcing their pregnancy a few months ago and showcasing their newly built home, the couple has added another feather to their cap: a new truck and a venture into the logistics business.

Their recent wedding celebration marked another milestone in their journey. The couple, already legally married, held a traditional wedding ceremony over the weekend, solidifying their union with family and friends.

The festivities began at Gogo Maweni's parents' home in Ormonde, Johannesburg, before culminating in a grand wedding at Emaqongqo Emahlabathini in Pietermaritzburg.

"It's been such an amazing journey with my husband. We are now officially a family," Gogo Maweni shared.

The "Izangoma Zodumo" star documented her journey to becoming Mrs. Mgube traditionally on Instagram, sharing glimpses of her big day and celebrating her "forever" with her followers. Reports indicate that the couple married through the Shembe Church, which Sabelo's family follows.

Videos of the wedding showcase Gogo Maweni dancing and singing with her husband and family. The popular sangoma, known for her extravagant style, did not disappoint with a five-tier wedding cake.

The couple's journey to this point has been a long one. They had their Umabo ceremony in Maqongqo, northeast of Pietermaritzburg, and their umembeso ceremony in July.

Gogo Maweni expressed her joy at finally marrying the love of her life, sharing that Sabelo proposed three months into their relationship, and seven years later, they have tied the knot.

"We would have been legally married for years now but without doing any traditional stuff such as lobola and umbondo. But now this was the last part, and I look forward to growing together and making the best of our marriage as well as you know supporting each other and just having fun because it is important," she said.

Gogo Maweni also offered advice to other women seeking love, urging them not to rush and to prioritize finding a partner who is also their best friend. She emphasized the importance of trust and cautioned against seeking love based solely on money and luxury.

The couple, who previously shared their desire to have 11 children, are now expecting their first child together. Gogo Maweni has three children from a previous relationship, while Sabelo has one.

Their love story began with a chance encounter through a mutual friend. Sabelo, who was in the transport business at the time, offered Gogo Maweni a ride to the river. Despite initially finding his prices "ridiculous," Gogo Maweni was struck by Sabelo's charm and beauty.

Their first date was an unexpected trip to Kwa Mai Mai, where Sabelo bought Gogo Maweni a stone to scrub her feet, which she still uses today. Gogo Maweni was particularly touched by Sabelo's relationship with her sons, which ultimately won her heart.

The couple has faced challenges along the way, but they have learned to overcome them through understanding, growth, and compromise.

"It has not been easy; it has been a journey of understanding, growing, and building," Gogo Maweni said.

With their new home, growing family, and thriving business, Gogo Maweni and Sabelo Mgube are undoubtedly living their best lives.

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