Mama Za in court drama: TV presenter and actress Zandi Nhlapo sued for R300,000, her signature has cost her dearly


Television personality Zandi Nhlapo, affectionately known as Mama Za, has found herself in a legal battle with a Johannesburg-based company, Pendigo Trade and Invest, over unpaid office equipment rental fees.

The company, which trades as Itec Finance, has taken the matter to the Joburg High Court, seeking a default judgment against Nhlapo and her agency, Liquid Image, for a total of just under R300 000 in arrears.

Pendigo claims that Nhlapo and Liquid Image have been refusing to pay for the office equipment they hired from the company, leading to the legal action. The company entered into two separate rental agreements with Liquid Image, the first of which involved the rental of office equipment including a Yealink T23G, a Yealink T27G, and a Netgear 24X Poe Port. This agreement, signed in May 2019, stipulated a monthly rental fee of over R3 500, subject to a 15% annual increase.

According to court papers, Nhlapo personally signed as a guarantor for Liquid Image in the first agreement. Pendigo alleges that both Nhlapo and her company breached the agreement by failing to make the required rental payments, resulting in arrears exceeding R194 000.

"The first defendant, as of May 25, 2023, is in arrears in the amount of R115 837.03. The future rentals payable in terms of the agreement and the terms of the plaintiff’s election as set out above amount to R79 001. The total amount outstanding by the first defendant to the plaintiff is the amount of R194 838.08 plus interest…," read the court documents.

Pendigo further claims that Nhlapo and Liquid Image also defaulted on a second rental agreement, signed in May 2019, for an Itec C258. This agreement stipulated a monthly rental fee of over R1 500, also subject to a 15% annual increase. As a result of the alleged breach, Pendigo claims that Liquid Image owes over R80 000 in unpaid rent.

"In consequence of the aforesaid breach of the schedule to the agreement, the plaintiff elected to claim immediate payment of all amounts, which would have been payable in terms of the schedule to the agreement and claim the return of the goods mentioned…," the court papers read.

Pendigo stated that as of May 25, 2023, Liquid Image was more than R50 000 in arrears for the second agreement.

“The future rentals payable in terms of the schedule and in terms of the plaintiff’s election as set out above amount to R34 123.48. The total amount outstanding by the first defendant as of May 25, 2023 is the amount of R84 162.81 plus interest,” read the court papers.

Pendigo claims to have sent numerous letters to Nhlapo and her company demanding payment, but their pleas have been ignored. The company is now seeking a judgment against both Nhlapo and Liquid Image, jointly and severally, for the full amount owed, plus interest.

"Wherefore the plaintiff prays for judgment against the first and second defendants, jointly and severally, the one paying the other to be absolved…"

Attempts to reach Nhlapo for comment were unsuccessful.

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