I'm sorry, Sir Trill is not supporting your child who really looks like Master KG: MacG tells Nkosazana Daughter


Johannesburg – Popular South African podcaster MacGyver “MacG” Mukwevho has issued a public apology to musician Nkosazana Daughter following a R13 million defamation lawsuit filed against him and his podcast crew.

The lawsuit, filed last week in the Johannesburg High Court, stems from allegations made on the podcast concerning an alleged affair between Nkosazana Daughter and Master KG, and the paternity of her child.

The legal action was prompted by claims made during a July broadcast, where the podcasters asserted that Nkosazana Daughter was engaged in an “illicit affair” with Master KG, Kgaogelo Moagi, behind the back of her partner, musician Sir Trill (Tumelo Zwane). More damagingly, the podcast alleged that Master KG, and not Sir Trill, was the father of Nkosazana Daughter’s child.

The court documents detail the podcast’s claims: “(They claimed) the plaintiff was rumoured to have been quarrelling with her partner, one Mr Tumelo Mzwake Zwane (‘Mr Zwane’) as a consequence of the illicit affair with Master KG. The minor child of the plaintiff is not born of her relationship with Zwane, but rather a minor child born of the illicit affair between the plaintiff and Master KG.”

Nkosazana Daughter’s legal team argues that these statements are not only false but also severely damaging to her reputation.

The court papers state: “Apart from the defamatory meaning of the claims as set out above, the statements carry the additional sting that the plaintiff is deceitful, promiscuous, unprincipled, untrustworthy, adulterous and a liar, and a person without a moral fibre or valuable principles, and who generally conducts herself in an unethical and/or unprofessional manner.”

The lawsuit contends that these allegations portray Nkosazana Daughter as a woman of loose morals, significantly impacting her professional brand and personal life. The singer maintains that the podcasters’ claims are baseless hearsay.

“The statements were intended and understood to mean that plaintiff is, inter alia, promiscuous and/or adulterous in stating that the plaintiff conducted an illicit affair with a colleague, one Master KG,” the documents read.

The singer further highlighted the personal implications, stating: “The plaintiff is furthermore, a family lady, living with her partner and having one minor child… with him, and who is well respected by her colleagues and his community.”

Nkosazana Daughter’s legal representatives initially contacted the podcasters, demanding a retraction and apology. This request was reportedly ignored, leading to the lawsuit, which seeks a retraction, a formal apology (oral, televised, and written), and a substantial payment of R13 000 000.

The court documents specify these demands: “A retraction from the three podcasters for the defamatory averments. An oral, televised and written apology issued by the first and/or second and/or third defendant to the plaintiff. Payment by the first and/or second and/or third defendant, whether jointly; alternatively, whether jointly and severally (in which event the one paying, the other two to be absolved), of the aggregate amount of R13 000 000.”

Sunday World reported over the weekend that the lawsuit had been filed. This followed an earlier statement from Nkosazana Daughter in July, vehemently denying any romantic or sexual relationship with Master KG.

“Like I said before, Master KG and I only work together. But it is like there are people trying to convince you that there is more and there is no such thing,” she wrote at the time.

On Monday, MacG issued his apology, stating that a photograph of Nkosazana Daughter’s child, recently shown to him by the musician’s brother, revealed a striking resemblance to Sir Trill.

“We were wrong; she [the child] looks just like Sir Trill. So, I want to apologise to Nkosazana Daughter,” said MacG.

He added, “Now it seems like I am saying sorry because of the lawsuit thing, and it is not. But allegedly, Sir Trill is not supporting the kid, and it is from a credible source.”

Sol Phenduka, a colleague of MacG’s, also commented on the situation: “I was told those allegations by my friends, and I had no idea that MacG would come and take it to the podcast.”

The apology, however, comes after the legal proceedings were already underway, though MacG says his apology has nothing to do with the lawsuit.

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