Lorna Maseko and EFF's Floyd Shivambu show off their baby girl


Lorna Maseko posted her daughter for the first time to wish her a happy second birthday.

Television personality and celebrity chef Lorna Maseko has never publicly acknowledged having a child until now.


Although her pregnancy is the worst-kept secret in South Africa, she managed to evade cameras for the duration of her pregnancy. Now, two years after her first child’s birth, Maseko is celebrating her baby girl.

Taking to her Instagram, she posted some highlights from her baby girl’s journey and wrote; “Happiest 2nd birthday to my beautiful daughter. You mean the absolute world to me and you make it ALL worth it…. You’re the smartest most beautiful little human (and extremely talkative lol) and I pray you may alway know the love and peace of God. Just know that I will ALWAYS be there for you!”


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A post shared by Lorna Maseko (@lornamaseko)

For years, Lorna Maseko has been rumoured to be romantically involved with the Economic Freedom Fighters’ Floyd Shivambu.

At the end of September 2020, tabloid Sunday World reported that she was pregnant with Shivambu’s child.

She hit out at the report at the time, calling it “truly disgusting” that people could report on things that weren’t “real”.

Maseko seemed to suggest that not only was she not pregnant but she may also have been struggling with reproductive health issues.

“Women suffer with many issues: fibroids (which I have), endometriosis & many others. You don’t know people stories-STOP IT!!” she said on Twitter at the time.

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