Zodwa Wabantu cuts a monkey out of a snake’s belly (VIDEO)


Zodwa Wabantu has captured a video of herself cutting a monkey out of a snake’s belly with the caption “Mkhulu Nyanga Wabantu. I don’t Buy, Ngiyazingela.”

The very graphic nature of the video was met with some serious backlash by her followers, who did not seem to understand or condone what they were seeing.


“Some things should just stay in your photo gallery. We honestly didn’t ask to see this. I love you but this is too much now feels like your (sic) doing this just for clout! I couldn’t even watch the whole thing,” commented bujigirlbee whose comment had over 500 likes at the time of writing.

NOTE: Please note that the video below is quite graphic – If you have a strong stomach, you can watch the video below.

“What in the world did I just watch? Are you going to braai it? phela I hear snake meat tastes like biltong,” said @ms.kittypong.

“No need to show us this,” wrote @philimpanza.

“As I unfollow you,” said @refilwevandermon

There were a few people who came to Zodwa’s defence.

“I don’t care what y’all say, this woman is brave. This is what our ancestors used to do but we say it’s witchcraft now… She does have a calling,” wrote Instagram user @keabe__ before adding “I just wish Sangomas would stop killing animals.”

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