Video of sangoma giving a pastor powers to get rich and attract church members breaks the internet


MZANSI is shocked after a video of a sangoma giving a pastor some powers went viral and broke the internet.

Many questioned why people still go to church when pastors go to izangoma to strengthen church.


“God is suppose to be strengthening your church. Isn’t he?” was the question.

In the video, the sangoma is heard asking ancestors to make this pastor’s church bigger and for the congregants to tithe more.

“Those who owe him money must give the money back,” he said.

He then calls upon “intombi yamanzi” to intervene in making the man of God powerful.

 “We ask that you give him a lot of money because that’s what we’re all after,” he said.

He also asked that he becomes a respectable man. He’s seen preparing a bath, breaks two eggs and applying some oils onto this hidden Mfundisi.

Mzansi has been negatively criticising this ritual, saying it’s unholy. Nomfundo Princess said this is exactly why she quit church and pray at her home.

“How are we suppose to trust pastors when we see such things? I’m shocked and wish many prayed at home,” said Nomfundo.

Another concerned ex-congregant said he was okay with pastors doing this but to him, this means the pastor doesn’t even believe in God, so there’s no reason to be lead by someone like that.

“I stopped going to church a while ago when I heard that pastors do such to make congregants give them money and for them to be more powerful. My church always popped out money like it was nothing, so I stopped attending,” said Mlungisi Nkosi.

Kelebogile Lebo said such things have been existing for a long time but now they’re coming to light and recorded on video.

“Years ago, this would have shocked me but now it really doesn’t bother me at all,” she said.

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