Details about South Africa's next President and government: Elections are over, this is what will happen next


The dust has barely settled on South Africa's fiercely contested 2024 general elections, and already the political vultures are circling, jockeying for position and influence in the new administration. As the various parties engage in frantic horse-trading, the hallowed halls of Parliament have become the arena for a no-holds-barred battle royale, with each faction driven by a potent combination of ideological fervor and naked self-interest.

"It's an absolute free-for-all," revealed a well-placed insider, speaking to Celeb Gossip News on condition of anonymity. "The gloves are off, and everyone is out for their own piece of the pie. Promises are being made and broken left, right, and center as they try to outmaneuver each other."


As no party achieved an outright parliamentary majority, alliances are being forged and agreements sought to determine the President, Speaker, Deputy Speaker, and key cabinet positions.

The intricate negotiations unfolding behind closed doors are a delicate dance of power and influence, where parties seek to leverage their support for certain individuals in exchange for coveted positions, committee appointments, and portfolios. This period of intense politicking is crucial for shaping the future of the country and determining the course of the next government.

"They're all trying to outmaneuver each other, cutting deals and making promises that they have no intention of keeping. It's a real-life game of Survivor, with alliances shifting by the hour and trust in short supply," Melusi Ncube, a political science lecturer told Celeb Gossip News.

While time is of the essence, with the first sitting of the National Assembly (NA) mandated to take place within 14 days of the election results being declared, the complexities of ideological differences and personal motivations make it uncertain whether an agreement will be reached in such a short span of time. The negotiations represent a delicate balance between the desires of individual parties and the need for a cohesive governing structure.

According to Section 51.1 of the Constitution, the President of the Constitutional Court determines the date and time of the first NA sitting. This gathering marks a significant milestone in the transition of power, as newly elected members are sworn in and the process of selecting key officeholders begins. The proceedings are overseen by the Chief Justice or a delegated judge, who presides over the election of the Speaker of the House, followed by the election of the Deputy Speaker.

The climax of the NA's first sitting involves the election of the President, as outlined in Section 86.1 of the Constitution. Only sworn-in members of parliament (MPs) are eligible for this position, and candidates must be nominated and seconded by fellow Assembly members. Should multiple candidates be nominated, a secret ballot vote is conducted, with the candidate securing the majority emerging as the winner. In the event of a tied vote, a separate vote is held to break the deadlock, and if necessary, a new meeting is scheduled within seven days for a fresh vote.

Once elected, the President is inaugurated within five days, where they swear allegiance to the Republic. Following their election, the President assumes the responsibility of appointing the Cabinet, including the Deputy President(s), ministers, and deputy ministers. The Deputy President is required to be an MP, while a maximum of two ministers may be selected from outside the National Assembly.

While the first sitting of the NA is pending, it is important to note that South Africa continues to have a functioning cabinet, as stated in Section 94 of the Constitution. Until the person elected as President by the next assembly assumes office, the current Cabinet, Deputy President, ministers, and deputy ministers retain their authority and competence.

The process for the provincial legislatures and the election of Premiers closely mirrors the procedures described above, emphasizing the significance of a smooth transition of power at all levels of government.

As South Africa eagerly awaits the formation of the seventh administration, the nation holds its breath to see which alliances will be forged and who will assume the mantle of leadership. Behind the scenes, political actors engage in intricate negotiations, driven by a combination of ideological principles, personal ambitions, and the desire to address the pressing challenges that lie ahead.

In the coming days, the landscape of South African politics will be reshaped as parties strike deals and positions are assigned. The nation stands on the precipice of a new era, where the choices made in these negotiations will shape the trajectory of the country for years to come.

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