ANC veteran Lindiwe Sisulu blasts Ramaphosa for forming a government with DA: "You have betrayed blacks"


The dust has barely settled on South Africa's fiercely contested 2024 elections, and already the political vultures are circling, jostling for position and influence in the new administration. But one veteran ANC stalwart, Lindiwe Sisulu, has emerged as a vocal dissident, rallying black leaders to unite against a potential coalition between the ruling party and the Democratic Alliance (DA).

In a dramatic and impassioned public address, Sisulu pulled no punches, describing the proposed ANC-DA alliance as a "betrayal" of the party's core supporters. "ANC supporters voted for their beloved party and not the DA. If they were fans of the DA, they would have voted as such, and yet they have not," she thundered.

Sisulu's powerful statement has ignited a fervor among political circles and the public alike, as discussions of the ANC-DA coalition continue to dominate the political landscape.

Sisulu's message reportedly targets President Cyril Ramaphosa, suggesting that he has already made a deal with the DA. The alleged agreements include the DA supporting the ANC in forming a government, Ramaphosa being re-elected as President, and prominent figure Paul Mashatile becoming Deputy President. The ANC would retain ministerial positions, while the DA would hold influential roles such as Speaker of the National Assembly and chairmanship of the NCOP. Notably, the DA would have a say in portfolio committees, including SCOPA. Rumors also suggest political maneuvers, such as arresting Mashatile on corruption charges and using the BOSASA scandal against ANC members opposing the coalition. These alleged details add complexity to the ANC-DA coalition talks.

Amidst growing speculation about the ANC's future alliances following its lackluster performance in the recent national elections, Sisulu's rallying cry for a united front of black-led parties has struck a chord with those who fear the consequences of an ANC-DA partnership. With the ANC securing just over 40% of the vote, concerns have arisen regarding the party's ability to uphold its core values and commitments in a coalition with the DA, a party with fundamentally different ideologies.

Sisulu's proposed "Black Pact" alliance aims to unite parties such as the ANC, MK, EFF, IFP, and PA, under the common goals of black liberation and economic emancipation. The veteran politician firmly believes that aligning with the DA would constitute a betrayal of ANC supporters who voted for the party, not its potential coalition partner. She emphasizes that ANC supporters, had they intended to vote for the DA, would have done so directly.

"The ANC-DA coalition would be a betrayal of those who placed their unwavering trust in the ANC. Our supporters voted for our beloved party, not for an alliance with the DA. It is our duty to honor their faith and preserve the legacy of the ANC," Sisulu passionately expressed in an exclusive interview with The Star.

Beyond concerns of political fidelity, Sisulu raises poignant questions about the healing process in South Africa, particularly for black communities who still bear the scars of a painful history. Citing the example of the Western Cape, where the DA currently governs, she warns that a partnership with the DA could potentially undermine the progress made in dismantling discriminatory practices reminiscent of apartheid.

"Black history in South Africa is riddled with pain, and many of us still carry the wounds. Joining forces with the DA may hinder the healing process of this beautiful nation," Sisulu asserted.

Critics of the proposed ANC-DA coalition argue that a union with the DA would compromise the ANC's historical mission of liberating black people from the shackles of colonialism and apartheid. Sisulu questions the rationale behind such a partnership, urging the ANC to seek alliances with natural allies, the parties that fought alongside them during the struggle for liberation.

"Why should the ANC consider a union with the DA, when our natural allies and brothers and sisters form a Black Pact of Progressive Forces? Our liberation was fought to disentangle black people from the chains of colonialism and apartheid. It is inconceivable that we would now willingly hand ourselves, along with our rich and painful history, to our oppressors," Sisulu passionately stated.

Sisulu's call for unity under the banner of a Black Pact goes beyond mere rhetoric. She has outlined an extensive eight-point plan as the foundation for this proposed alliance. The plan includes crucial issues such as promoting clean governance through an anti-corruption charter, incorporating traditional leadership laws to Africanize the legal system, and addressing the unnecessary loss of money from the country by curbing illicit capital flight.

Furthermore, the plan advocates for the revival and stabilization of state-owned enterprises, the creation of a sovereign fund utilizing mining industry profits to fund free education, and the improvement of the safety and security of all citizens through the push for National Health Insurance (NHI). Sisulu also emphasizes the importance of land reform and returning land to its rightful owners, along with its resources. Finally, her plan underscores the historical mission of liberating black people and expresses solidarity with the Palestinian people.

As Sisulu's clarion call for unity reverberates through the political landscape, it remains to be seen whether her impassioned plea will gain traction among black-led parties and the broader public. The ANC-DA coalition discussions continue to unfold, with the outcome shaping the future of South African politics.

In these critical times, Sisulu's unwavering commitment to the principles of the ANC and her vision for a united front of black-led parties has reignited hope and sparked crucial conversations about the direction the country should take. The path towards a stronger and more inclusive South Africa depends on the choices made by its political leaders, as they navigate the intricate web of coalition politics and strive for a better future for all.

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